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Tome I, 1929 R. KOZŁOWSKI. Les Brachiopodes gothlandiens de la Podolie Polonaise not available
Tome II, 1932 M.WIŚNIEWSKA. Les Rynchonellides du Jurassique sup. de Pologne. not available
Tome III, 1948 R. KOZŁOWSKI. Les Graptolithes et quelques nouveaux groupes d'animaux du Tremadoe de la Pologne. not available
No. 4, 1952 H. MAKOWSKI La faune callovienne de Łuków en Pologne. not available
No. 5, 1952 M. RÓŻKOWSKA Pachyphyllinae et Phillipsastrea du Frasnien de Pologne.   16,80
No. 6, 1954 Z. KIELAN Les Trilobites mesodevoniens de Monts de Saine-Croix. not available
No. 7, 1955 J. KULCZYCKI. Les ossements des Mammouth. 16,00
No. 8, 1957 K. POŻARYSKA Lagenidae de Cretace superieur de Pologne. 16,00
No. 9, 1958 A. URBANEK Monograptide from erratic boulders of Poland. 16,00
No. 10, 1959 G. BIERNAT Middle Devonian Orthoidea of the Holy Cross Mountains and their ontogeny. 16,00
No. 11, 1959 Z. KIELAN Upper Ordovician trilobites from Poland and some related forms from Bohemia and Scandinavia. 16,00
No. 12, 1962 H. MAKOWSKI Problem of sexual dimorphism in ammonites. 16,00
No. 13, 1964 L.B. HALSTEAD TARLO Pasmmosteriformes (Agnatha) - a review with description of new material from the Lower Devonian of Poland. I. General part. 16,00
No. 14, 1963


Foraminifera and biostratygraphy of the Danian and Montian in
No. 15, 1964 L.B. HALSTEAD TARLO Pasmmosteriformes (Agnatha) - a review with description of new material from the Lower Devonian of Poland. II. Systematic part. 16,00
No. 16, 1964 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA Polychaete jaw apparatuses from the Ordovician and Silurian of Poland and a comparison with modern forms. 16,00
No. 17, 1966 G. BIERNAT Middle Devonian brachiopodes of the Bodzentyn syncline (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). 16,00
No. 18, 1967 A. STASIŃSKA Tabulata from Norway, Sweden and from erratic boulders of Poland . 16,00
No. 19, 1968 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions, Part 1. 16,00
No. 20, 1968 K. POŻARYSKA &
Foraminifera from the Paleocene of Poland, their ecological and biostratigraphic meaning. 16,00
No. 21, 1969 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish - Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Part II. 16,00
No. 22, 1969 H. GÓRKA Microorganismes de l'Ordovicien de Pologne. 16,00
No. 23, 1970 H. OSMÓLSKA Revision of non-cyrtosymbolinid trilobites from the Tournaisian-Namurian of Eurasia. 16,00
No. 24, 1970 J. FEDOROWSKI Aulophyllidae (Tetracoralla) from the Upper Visean of Sudetes and Holy Cross Mountains. 16,00
No. 25, 1971 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish - Mongolian Expeditions. Part III. 16,00
No. 26, 1971 J. KAŹMIERCZAK Morphogenesis and systematic of the Devonian Stromatoporoidea from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. 16,00
No. 27, 1972 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish - Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Part IV. 16,00
No. 28, 1973 G. BIERNAT Ordovician inarticulate brachiopods from Poland and Estonia. 16,00
No. 29, 1973 M. BORSUK - BIAŁYNICKA Studies on the Pleistocene rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach). 16,00
No. 30, 1974 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish - Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Part V. 16,00
No. 31, 1974 J. SZCZECHURA &
Foraminiferida from the Paleocene of Polish Carpathians. not avaliable
No. 32, 1975 W. BAŁUK Lower Tortonian gastropods from Korytnica, Poland. Part I. not avaliable
No. 33, 1975 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish - Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Part VI. 16,00
No. 34, 1976 A. BARBULESCU

Considérations stratigraphiques concernant les formations coralligénes néojurassiques de la Dobrogea Centrale (Roumanie).
Les Scleractiniaires du Jurassiqure supérieur de la Dobrogea Centrale, Roumanie.
No. 35, 1976 A. NOWIŃSKI Tabulata and Chaetetida from the Devonian and Carboniferous of southern Poland. 16,00
No. 36, 1977 M. KSIĄŻKIEWICZ Trace fossils in the flysch of the Polish Carpathians. not avaliable
No. 37, 1977 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish - Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Part VII. 16,00
No. 38, 1979 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish - Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Part VIII. 16,00
No. 39, 1979 A. BALIŃSKI

Brachiopods and conodonts from the Frasnian of the Dębnik anticline, southern Poland.
Ammonite shell: its structure, development and biological significance.
not avaliable
No. 40, 1979 M. RÓŻKOWSKA

Contribution to the Frasnian tetracorals from Poland.
Middle to Upper Devonian Ostracoda from the southern Holy Cross Mountains, Poland.
No. 41, 1980 D. PERYT

Planktic Foraminifera zonation of the Upper Cretaceous in the Middle Vistula River valley, Poland.
Upper Silurian - Lower Devonian Chitinozoa from the subsurface of southern Poland.
No. 42, 1981 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish - Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Part IX. 16,00
No. 43, 1982 G. BIERNAT &
Palaeontological Spitsbergen Studies - Part I. 16,00
No. 44, 1983 B. ŻBIKOWSKA.

Middle to Upper Devonian ostracodes from north western Poland and their stratigraphic significance.
Foraminifers and biostratigraphy of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic of the Slovakian and Polish Carpathians.
No. 45, 1984 J. DZIK. Phylogeny of the Nautiloidea. not available
No. 46, 1984 Z. KIELAN - JAWOROWSKA (Editor) Results of the Polish - Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. Part X. 16,00
No. 47, 1986 B. STUDENCKA.

Bivalves from the Badenian (Middle Miocene) marine sandy facies of southern Poland.
Ultrastructure, taxonomy and affanities of some Ordovician and Silurian organic microfossils.
No. 48, 1987 J. FEDOROWSKI. Upper Paleozoic rugose corals from southwestern Texas and adjacent areas; Gaptank Formation and Wolfcampian corals. Part I. 16,00
No. 49, 1987 A. GAŹDZICKI (Editor). Palaeontological results of the Polish Antarctic Expeditions - Part I. 16,00
No. 50, 1990 R. MARCINOWSKI &
The Albian ammonites of Poland. 16,00
No. 51, 1991 A. NOWIŃSKI. Late Carboniferous to early Permian Tabulata from Spitsbergen. 16,00
No. 52, 1992 E. GAWOR - BIEDOWA. Campian and Maastrichtian Foraminifera from the Lublin Upland, Eastern Poland. 16,00
No. 53, 1994 J. DZIK, E. OLEMPSKA and A. PISERA (Editors) Ordovician carbonate platform ecosystem of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. 16,00
No. 54, 1995 A. BALIŃSKI. Brachiopods and conodont biostratigraphy of the Famennian from the Dębnik anticline, southern Poland. 16,00
No. 55, 1996 A. GAŹDZICKI (Editor) Palaeontological Results of the Polish Antarctic Expeditions. Part II. not available
No. 56, 1997 A. URBANEK & L. TELLER (Editors) Silurian Graptolite Faunas in the East European Platform: Stratigraphy and Evolution. 16,00
No. 57, 1997 A. PISERA Upper Jurassic Siliceous Sponges from the Swabian Alb: Taxonomy and Paleoecology. 16,00
No. 58, 1998 H. SZANIAWSKI (Editor) Proceedings of the Sixth European Conodont Symposium (ECOS VI) 16,00
No. 59, 2001 A. BOCZAROWSKI Isolated sclerites of Devonian non-pelmatozoan echinoderms 47,00
No. 60, 2001 A. GAŹDZICKI (Editor) Palaeontological Results of the Polish Antarctic Expeditions. Part III 47,00
No. 61, 2002 B. BERKOWSKI Famennian Rugosa and Heterocorallia from southern Poland 32,00
No. 62, 2002 A. KAIM The evolution of conch ontogeny in Mesozoic open sea gastropods 47,00
No. 63, 2006 J. DZIK The Famennian “Golden Age” of conodonts and ammonoids in the Polish part of the Variscan sea. Palaeontologia Polonica 90,00
No. 64, 2007 J. DZIK and T. SULEJ.  A review of the early Late Triassic Krasiejów biota from Silesia, Poland. 60,00
T. SULEJ.  Osteology, variability, and evolution of Metoposaurus, a temnospondyl from the Late Triassic of Poland.
No. 65, 2009 M. BORSUK −BIAŁYNICKA and S. E. EVANS Early Triassic vertebrate assemblage from karst deposits at Czatkowice, Poland print on request

No. 66, 2011

The Early Devonian armoured agnathans of Podolia, Ukraine
Legacy of the Gobi Desert: papers in memory of Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska

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